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Learn how to be more consistent, hit it longer, be more accurate, manage your game, improve your swing, and lower your score. There's something here for all golfers - even a
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Golf Tip of the Fortnight
Full Swing Tip
Have you ever heard that you were supposed to keep your head still during your swing? This is an absolutely ancient piece of
misinformation that still seems to be accepted as one of the "etched in stone" tenets of the golf swing by a huge number of golfers. Nobody that is or was any good at golf ever kept their head still. Watch the players you see on the tours closely. They do not keep their heads still. To
be more specific, it is a good idea to keep your spine angle constant, or to keep your head at the same height. But, based on the fact that you have two hip joints which you will be rotating on if
you swing well, your spine/head will have to move laterally (back and forth) to some degree -- though not excessively. If you only have, or are staying on, one leg then it would be a good idea to keep your head still. But if you have
two legs and are transferring your weight between them let your head flow back and forth a bit and things will most likely work out better.
I work with golfers of all skill levels on all areas of their games (individually or in small groups of friends, family, co-workers, etc.) in my Private Golf Schools.
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