Beyond the Basics
In this volume PGA Professional Mark Blakemore thoroughly covers a wide variety of intermediate or more advanced topics that do not reasonably fit into previous volumes on the mechanics of the full swing and the short game. Included in this volume
are more detail on alignment, course management, adjusting to environmental conditions, shaping shots and trajectory control, elevation changes, uneven lies and "bad" lies, fairway bunker shots and long bunker shots, practicing, the mental
game and more.
"Once I understood the basics of the full swing and short game I still had lots of questions about some of the more subtle aspects of the game. You have answered most of them, thanks."
Greg Riley, 6 handicap
Hitting it Longer
Subtitled "Getting More Distance in Your Golf Game, with the Driver and Throughout Your Bag" in this volume PGA Professional Mark Blakemore thoroughly covers the topic of hitting a golf ball for maximum distance in
one's game. With a history of competitive experience in Long Driving, a Masters degree in Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics, and over 30 years of golf instruction experience there is no golf professional more qualified to teach golfers how to
hit the ball long!
"This is comprehensive information for anybody who wants to hit the golf ball longer, whether it's competing in Long Driving or increasing distance with all your clubs -- powerful stuff."
Mike Gorton 1987 National Long Drive Champion, 2000 Senior Long Drive Champion, Long Drive Hall of Fame Member
Paperback: 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 100 pages Published: 2005, gloss color cover, black and white photographs/illus.
Paperback: 5.5 x 8.5 inches, 100 pages Published: 2005, gloss color cover, black and white photographs/illus.