Here are all the golf questions and answers that appeared on the "Ask the Pro" page in 2014, from most recent to least recent, top to bottom. Links in the left menu column give a "keyword" indication
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Golf Questions and Answers (2014) 
(most recent to least recent, top to bottom)
February 27, 2014
When playing "ready golf," what is etiquette about waiting for all in [the] foursome to get on [the] green before putting starts?
Nina McLaughlin
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
There is no authoritative source on this, that I am aware of, Nina. It will
boil down to opinion. So it is something you will have to negotiate
within your group and then play the way the group decides, or change who you play with.
If you are asking the question because you want to play faster than
others in your group, then try to get everybody on the same page by
saying that you feel that play-when-ready is what "ready golf" is all
about. And that means eliminating many of the superfluous
"time-wasting" aspects of golf, like playing order, holding still, being quiet, etc.
On the other hand, if you are asking because you want to play more
slowly and courteously than others in your group, try to talk the others
into playing like that by saying that you feel the rapid version of
ready golf isn't really even golf; it's more like hurrying because
you're on a tight time budget and can't be bothered by the niceties of the game.
I can see both sides and have experienced each. Slow play is painful
(except to the people playing slowly). I have left the golf course on
occasion because of how backed up it was. But playing absurdly fast
will cause more problems than it's worth also. Unless there is nobody
on the course in front of your group, trying to play ultra-fast is
pointless. You'll just run into groups in front of you and then offend
people by "pushing" them and playing through (frequently an uncomfortable
feelingboth for those being played-through and those doing the through-ing).
Most golf courses have a recommended amount of time to complete the
course. Ask at your course how long they think it should take you to
finish. Beyond that, again, it will be a decision that you arrive at as
a group. Best wishes for success and having everybody be okay with how it ends up.
Thanks for visiting and best of luck with your game. MB
Equipment > Sole level at address
February 6, 2014
When in the proper address position, is it necessary for the sole of the club to rest flush on the ground, or is it ok for the
the toe to be higher than the heel?
Tom Walton
Houston, TX
Hi Tom,
No, it's not necessary for the sole to be flat at address for
everybody, since swings vary and it's fairly common for the hands to come through a
little higher at impact than they were at address, which brings the toe down.
What's more important is the club's position at impact. Having your lie
angles adjusted so that your club comes through impact with the sole level
is part of a good fitting. Get with a reputable local golf professional
with club fitting expertise. Thanks for visiting and best of luck with your game. MB
January 22, 2014
In which year [was] the [first] golf course created and by whom?
Dhiren Shinglot
Vadodara, Gujarat, India
That is not known, for certain. But see why golf courses have 18 holes and
history of golf for starters. Thanks for visiting and best of luck with your game. MB
January 7, 2014
Why does the PGA have some players start on the back 9 in some tournaments? Is that a disadvantage?
Jay Gold
Oklahoma City, OK
It's to save time in the first two rounds when the field is large
(before the cut). Some golf courses do this with recreational play too,
during crowded times. Using both the front and back nine at the same
time when play begins saves time, like a shotgun start saves time (getting more players on the course at once).
As to how it is decided, it probably varies from event to event, it may
even be blind draw (you can ask the PGA Tour directly for their policy,
if you're interested enough) but I'm sure if a player starts on the
back nine one day they will start on the front the next.
It may be an advantage or disadvantage, depending on the course and the
conditions at the time, but with very experienced players it is probably trivial in
most cases, and things like that generally even out in the long run.
Thanks for visiting and best of luck with your game. MB